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                Welcome to CyberEPC

                              Fast access to legal sources


CyberEPC is a free website supported by INPUT IP.


It is dedicated to patent professionals (patent attorneys, professional representatives, administration staff, examiners, sollicitors, students…).


This web site is aimed to save time and remain up to date with pragmatic tools, whether before or after the EQE.


Each page is conceived as a portal, giving access to cross referenced sources of information (articles, rules, fees, guidelines, official journal and case law related to a same subject matter).


Most hyperlinks contain a "mouse over pop-up" for a simple and easy navigation.


Information is gathered per paragraph in an intuitive display allowing a fast access to relevant source of information. See an example on Art. 53 EPC.


Further useful tools can be found, just browse around!



(Cyber EPC is optimized for Firefox and GoogleChrome browsers. Internet Explorer may lead to less user-friendly display)




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 What's hot: CyberEPC is referenced by the EPO


Updates are based on the Official Journal of the EPO


 Note : The German version is no longer supported. 

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 (c) Thibault Bouvier 2009-2017


Mon premier livre

My first book

La protection juridique des logiciels et des bases de données - en Français (Amazon)


Legal protection of software and databases in Europe - in English (Amazon)