Art. 39  - Versements des Etats contractants au titre des taxes de maintien en vigueur des brevets européens  Art. 39 - Payments by the Contracting States in respect of renewal fees for European patents  Art. 39  - Zahlungen der Vertragsstaaten aufgrund der für die Aufrechterhaltung der europäischen Patente erhobenen Gebühren
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Article 39

Payments by the Contracting States in respect of renewal fees for European patents






(1) Each Contracting State shall pay to the Organisation in respect of each renewal fee received for a European patent in that State an amount equal to a proportion of that fee, to be fixed by the Administrative Council; the proportion shall not exceed 75% and shall be the same for all Contracting States. However, if the said proportion corresponds to an amount which is less than a uniform minimum amount fixed by the Administrative Council, the Contracting State shall pay that minimum to the Organisation.

See decision of the Administrative Council of 08.06.1984 on the proportion of renewal fees for European patents to be remitted to the EPO (OJ EPO 1984, 296).





(2) Each Contracting State shall communicate to the Organisation such information as the Administrative Council considers to be necessary to determine the amount of these payments.






(3) The due dates for these payments shall be determined by the Administrative Council.






(4) If a payment is not remitted fully by the due date, the Contracting State shall pay interest from the due date on the amount remaining unpaid.















Related provisions

Case Law






Art. 35

Art. 40

Art. 41

Art. 47

Art. 50

Art. 141

Art. 146

Art. 147

Art. 176




BoA decisions