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Useful news from the EPO - with effect from 1 January 2014.

(Dec. 2013)


Handwritten amendments

R.49(8), R.50(1)

The EPO will no longer accept handwritten amendments in documents replacing parts of the European patent application. 


ð       Also applies for the Druckexemplar and oral proceedings

ð      Bring your laptop in oral proceedings!


Responsibilities of the Legal Division

Art.20, R.11(2)

The President of the EPO took a decision one what sole responsibility shall be vested in the Legal Division, with regard to

ð       Registers of representatives, and

ð       European Patent Register


Entrustment to non-examining staff

Art.18, Art.19, R.11(3), R.76(2)c)

Entrustment to non-examining staff of certain duties normally the responsibility of the examining or opposition divisions are deleted:

ð       Registering transfers and changes of name until such time when an adverse decision seems likely

ð       Rectification of the designation of an inventor until such time when an adverse decision seems likely



Entrustment to non-legally qualified staff

Art.10(2) a), Art.20

Certain employees (formalities officers) who are not legally qualified members of the Legal Division shall be entrusted with the following duties:

1. Registration of transfers of rights and changes of name in the European Patent Register, if the request can be granted directly (Rules 22, 85 EPC).

2. Registration of the rectification of the designation of an inventor in the European Patent Register, if the request can be granted directly (Rule 21 EPC).

3. Communications concerning obvious formal deficiencies under Rules 21 and 22 EPC.